Director: Kaszás Géza
Cast: Kassai Lajos, Obrusánszky Borbála, Kassai Iskola növendékei
In a beautiful hungarian valley, one of the most beautiful corners of the world, a young man recreates the bow tradition of his ancestors, evoke their martial arts and found a school, which is spread all over the world. Thus the forgotten past comes alive.
The film deals with Lajos Kassai activities, the intellectual background and cultural role in our lives. Nowadays, in „ The Valley of Horses” in Hungary, the steppe culture of horsemen is under a revival, because of Master Lajos Kassai - a modern warrior and philosopher. Not only has he founded a school of archery, but also recreated the ancient traditions and culture of his people, to which he has dedicated his entire life. His horseback archery school is dedicated to preserving horseback archery as a cultural heritage, a martial art and a sport.
Distributor: Anjou Lafayette
Pénztárnyitás: az első előadás előtt 30 perccel.
Pénztárzárás: az utolsó előadás kezdetét követően 15 perccel.
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